Curriculum Vitae
Ira L. Parsons Professional Resume/CV
Doctor of Philosophy in Forest Resources, Mississippi State University
December 2022
concentration: Wildlife, Fisheries and Aquaculture, GPA 3.76
Dissertation: Animal husbandry in the 21st Century: Application of ecological theory and precision technology to inform understanding of modern livestock grazing systems
Objective: Demonstrate prospective uses of tracking collars and accelerometers to study fine-scale movement and behavior related to cattle growth/production, energy expenditure, and pasture space use.
Master of Science in Animal Science, Texas A&M University May 2018
GPA 3.24
Thesis: Prediction of feed intake and feed efficiency in feedlot steers
based on phenotypic associations with feeding behavior and carcass ultrasound traits
Bachelor of Science in Grain Science and Industry August 2015
Conc. Feed Science and Management
Kansas State University
GPA: 3.67, Major: GPA: 3.78
• ARPAS certified in beef cattle production
• FAA Unmanned Aircraft Pilot
• IACUC certified
• Beef Quality Assurance Certified: Kansas 2012, Oklahoma 2014
Professional Positions and Experience
South Dakota State University – Research Associate, 2023 – Present
Supervisor: Kristi Cammack
Department of Animal Sciences, South Dakota State University,
West River Research and Extension
• Integrate with a dynamic team of animal scientists, rangeland ecologists, data scientists, and precision livestock technicians to develop innovative research projects and effectively communicate complex research results.
• Build data pipelines and conduct data analysis using precision livestock equipment.
• Develop collaborative research projects using multiple levels of precision livestock technology in extensive grazing systems to create large datasets to gain better understanding of extensive livestock systems.
• Explored collaborative relationships with research faculty and industry partners.
• Provide technical support to operate advanced precision livestock technology, specifically GreenFeed™ ruminant emission monitoring systems, Super Smart Feed feeders, and Vence™ virtual fencing systems.
• Prepare presentations and equipment for industry field trips and technical training.
• Write and present scientific abstracts and national and international science summits and association meetings.
• Write peer reviewed journal articles for submission to leading journals in animal science, precision technology, and ecology.
• Provide mentorship to SDSU Master and PhD graduate students and research technicians to become not only skilled scientists, but effective leaders.
• Work livestock in various livestock processing facilities, including operating a Silencer chute and tub.
• Calf branding prior to shipping pairs to summer pasture, including calf wrestling, branding, and vaccination.
• Operate farm equipment, including skid loader and tractor.
• Operate a state-owned vehicle.
Mississippi State University – Graduate Research Assistant 2018 – 2022
Adviser: Dr. Garrett M. Street
Co-adviser: Dr. Brandi B. Karisch
Department of Wildlife, Forestry and Aquaculture, Mississippi State University
• Conduct ecological research to bridge understanding of factors and processes of forage ecology and plant communities in grazing landscapes.
• Develop frameworks to analyze movement ecology data and environmental interactions using GIS systems and geo-mapping systems.
• Implement management and observe non-management, environmental factors and spatial and temporal processes driving forage quality and quantity.
• Develop and maintain cross-disciplinary collaborations with research scientists, professors, and industry to provide technical expertise on both plant, and wildlife ecology and animal science.
• Utilized remote sensing technologies to observe forage production and nutrient quality in grazing landscapes.
• Process images from sUAS flight systems to develop forage quality maps to use as decision tools and research data in grazing landscapes.
• Test machine learning methods to remotely classify continuous animal behavior using animal borne accelerometer systems in extensively managed livestock in grazing landscapes.
• Develop forage sampling protocols to test nutritional composition specifically focused on landscape and forage ecology.
• Collect forage samples for forage mass and forage quality testing.
• Mentor undergraduate technicians and provide clear instruction to successfully complete the research project.
• Write and create scientific abstracts and presentations for regional, national, and international audiences at scientific research meetings.
• Write scholarly articles for publication in scientific journals.
• Serve as a subject matter expert on beef production in the United States and wildlife domestic livestock interactions.
• Collaborate with graduate students studying nuisance species, specifically feral pig movement ecology in the Southeastern U.S.
• Communicate findings and research questions with collaborators across institutions, and with stake holders at extension field days and research meetings.
• Collect research data in extensively managed livestock grazing systems.
• Fly remotely operated sUAS aircraft.
• Operate a government vehicle
Mississippi State University – Graduate Student Association Executive Team 2019 –22
Mississippi State Graduate Student Association President 2019 – 20
• Organize meetings and direction for executive team
• Direct focus and expansion of association
• Create vision for expanding association to include greater diversity of students from multiple campuses.
• Developed strategies to impact and improve graduate student life in the COVID pandemic
• Develop remote election strategies and awards show Mississippi State Graduate Student Ass. Technology and Marketing Coordinator 2020 – 21
• Manage association social media and internet presence
• Create and distribute notifications and reminders for association event and activities to members
• Work directly with campus ITS and Office of Public Affairs to obtain necessary permissions to create and distribute marketing materials as directed by the executive board.
Mississippi State Graduate Student Association Treasurer 2021 – 22
• Manage association budget and finances
• Report budget directly to the president, executive board, and academic advisor
• Manage pro-card and purchases
• Maintain complete records and budgetary justification forms
Texas A&M University – Graduate Research Assistant, > 20 hours per week 2015 – 18
Advisor: Gordon E. Carstens
Animal Science Department, Texas A&M University
• Develop protocols to test the relationship between heifers tested for feed efficiency, and their movement and behaviors observed using a GPS collar and accelerometer in extensively managed pastures.
• Develop research projects to measure feed efficiency in beef cattle using remote feeding behavior and intake monitoring systems.
• Develop and test a movement tracking system designed to remotely monitor cattle behavior and feeding activity in confined feeding systems.
• Conduct a meta-analysis using multiple cattle feeding trials to test the relationship between remotely monitored cattle feeding behaviors and feed efficiency, growth, and performance in confined cattle.
• Communicate with collaborators across institutions and in industry concerning research protocols and findings.
• Organize field work with fellow graduate students, and research station staff.
• Drive a government vehicle
Texas A&M University – Graduate Teaching Assistant, >20 hours per week 2016
Advisor: Gordon E. Carstens
Animal Science Department, Texas A&M University
• Instruct lab section for ANSC 318 Feeds and Feeding, an upper level undergraduate course instruction in nutrient composition of feedstuffs, diet formulation, and animal growth and metabolism.
• Prepare slides for lab sections, provide basic instructions.
• Prepare and grade class quizzes and tests.
• Communicate with students regarding their progress in the class, and answer any other questions and concerns.
• Undergo safety training and instruction to ensure students safely operated lab equipment, including forage grinders and liquids
• Plan lab field trips to local feed mills and animal feeding facilities. Communicate with students, organize trips, and pass drivers safety training for operating large vehicles.
MFA Incorporated – Program Development Intern May – August 2015
Supervisor: Mike John
Columbia Missouri - Feed division
• Market analysis of MFA HealthTrack® branded calves
• Drafting of brochures and pamphlets advertising MFA feed and marketing program
• Cash flow analysis of a confined cow-calf operation, development of multiple parameters including maximizing production by splitting the herd into multiple calving groups
• Development, testing, and training for a new database management system used to capture and store production records for producer enrolled in the MFA HealthTrack® program.
• Drove company vehicle.
Noble Research Institute – Noble Scholar in Agriculture May 2014 – August 2014
Supervisor: Hugh Aljoe
Ardmore, Oklahoma
• Managed a thirty-day study to analyze growth, energy consumption and forage utilization between rotational vs. continuous grazing management in native grazing systems.
• Collect and identify native plant species to determine composition of plant communities resulting from differing grazing management strategies.
• Collect forage samples for species collection, forage mass, and forage quality testing.
• Develop in depth management plan for a 5,000-acre ranch to meet defined goals plant composition and livestock performance.
• Create progress reports and meet with fellow team members to define project goals and progress
• Analyze regional market reports to determine market value calves value of value-added feeder calves, specifically Integrity Beef enrolled calves.
• Drive Research Institutes Vehicle.
Kansas State University, Undergraduate Research Coordinator August 2014 – May 2015
Supervisor: Charles Stark
O.H. Kruse Feed Technology and Innovation Center, Manhattan, Kansas
Grain Science Department, Manhattan Kansas
• Planned, executed, and helped conduct industry, graduate, and undergraduate level research. Included Pelletability research, Enzyme stability during pelletability, hammer mill settings effect on particle size, and developing correlation between hot mash temperature and hot pellet temperature as preliminary work to the Pork Boards PED trial.
• Prepare the Feed Safety and Research Center for containment trials investigating PED, including cleaning, equipment set up, and supplies.
• Communicate with Dr. Stark via weekly meetings.
• Aid in grain science planning and conducting feed research projects
• Responsible for lab setup, logistics and scheduling of lab equipment and supplies June 2013 – 2015
• Responsible for daily mill operations, manufacturing and cleanup
• Equipment troubleshooting, communication with teammates
• Operation of the latest mill automation software
• Write production, maintenance, and record keeping SOPs
• Prepare for FDA audit, developed protocol to earn recognition as a licensed feed manufacturing facility from the State of Kansas
• Draft safety protocols and weekly maintenance checklists and schedules
• Operate government vehicle
Professional Presentations and Articles
Journal Publications
- Menendez, H.M. III, K. Ehlert, Ira L. Parsons, J.R. Brennan.
Precision beef dry matter intake estimation on extensive rangelands.
Under collaborator review - Parsons, I.L., Hector M. Menendez III, Jameson R. Brennan, Logan R. Vandermark, Lily J. McFadden, Anna K. Dagel, Krista Ehlert. Precision livestock technologies to measure real-time drinking behavior, body mass, and growth in steers managed using virtual fencing technology in extensive rangeland pastures.
Under collaborator review - J.R. Brennan, H.M. Menendez, K. Ehlert, K. Olson, I.L. Parsons, and H. Moradi Rekabdarkolaee.
Implications for daily body weight data on beef cattle grazing extensive rangelands.
Under collaborator review - Garrett M. Street, Melanie R. Boudreau, Natasha Ellison, Jane E. Dentinger, Ira L. Parsons.
Many Voices, Once Chorus: A Guide to Collaborative Peer-Review. Methods in Ecology and Evolution
submitted for review - Parsons, I.L., Brandi B. Karisch, Stephen L. Webb, Amanda E. Stone, Durham A. Norman, Garrett M. Street.
Varying window size and data quantity to categorize behavior from collar worn accelerometer signals in grazing cattle.
submitted, under review - Parsons, I.L., Brandi B. Karisch, Stephen L. Webb, Amanda E. Stone, Mike Proctor, Durham A. Norman, Garrett M. Street.
Automated walk-over-weigh system: methods to track daily body mass and growth in grazing animals.
Journal of Computers and Electronics in Agriculture – Accepted, 2023 - Parsons, I.L., Melanie R. Boudreau, Brandi B. Karisch, Amanda E. Stone, Durham Norman, Stephen L. Webb, Kristine O. Evans, Garrett M. Street.
Aiming for the optimum: examining complex relationships between sampling regime, sampling density, and landscape heterogeneity to accurately model resource availability. Journal of Landscape Ecology. 2021 - Parsons, I.L., J.R. Johnson, W.C. Kayser, G.E. Carstens. Characterization of feeding behavior traits in steers with divergent residual feed intake consuming a high-grain diet.
Journal of Animal Science 98:1-9. Doi:10.1093/jas/skaa189 - Kayser, W.C., G.E. Carstens, I.L. Parsons., K.E. Washburn, S.D. Lawhon, W.E. Pinchak, E.Chevaux, A.L.
Skidmore. Efficacy of statistical process control procedures to identify deviations in continuously measured physiologic and behavioral variables in beef steers experimentally challenged with Mannheimia haemolytica.
Journal of Animal Science. Volume 98, issue 2. DOI: - Kayser, W.C., G.E. Carstens, I.L. Parsons, T.H. Welsh, K.E. Washburn, S.D. Lawhon, W.e. Pinchak, J.T. Richeson, E. Chevaux, and A.L. Skidmore.
Effects of Mannheimia haemolytica challenge with or without supplementation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae boulardii strain CNCM I1079 on immune upregulation and behavior in beef steers.
Journal of Animal Science. 2019
International, National, and Regional Meeting Presentations
- Ira L. Parsons, Jameson R. Brennan, Hector M. Menendez III, Logan Vandermark, Elias V. Moreno, Krista Ehlert, Hadley Dotts.
Cue frequency and animal behavioral response to changing virtual paddock boundaries in extensive grazing systems.
2024 Society of Range Management annual meeting, Sparks, NV - Garrett Street, Jane Dentinger, Natasha Ellison, Melanie Boudreau, Emma Schultz, Ira Parsons.
Reconnecting ecological expectation and null hypothesis in resource selection analysis.
2023 The Wildlife Society annual meeting, Louisville KY - Ira L. Parsons, Hector M. Menendez III, Krista Ehlert, Jameson Brennan.
Precision beef dry matter intake estimation on extensive rangelands.
2023 American Society of Animal Science annual meeting, Albuquerque, NM - Ira L. Parsons, Stephen L. Webb, Brandi B. Karisch, Amanda E. Stone, Garrett M. Street. 2023. Tag you’re it: Use of wearable biometric and remote sensing technology to monitor animal growth, performance, and efficiency in extensively managed landscapes. American Society of Animal Science annual meeting, Albuquerque, NM
- Ira L. Parsons, Hector M. Menendez III, Logan Vandermark, Lily J. McFadden, Anna K. Dagel, Krista Ehlert, and Jameson R. Brennan.
Precision livestock technologies to measure real-time drinking behavior, body mass, and growth in steers managed using virtual fencing technology in extensive pastures.
2023 American Society of Animal Scientists annual meeting, Albuquerque, NM - Elias V. Moreno, Hector M. Menendez III, Lily J. McFadden, Ira L. Parsons, Logan Vandermark, Anna K. Dagel, Krista Ehlert, and Jameson R. Brennan.
Precision Ranching: Application of emerging technology to improve range management and optimize cattle performance.
2023 NANP student contest, Washington D.C. - Ira L. Parsons, B.B. Karisch, S.L. Webb, A.E. Stone, S.L. Webb, M. Proctor, G.M. Street.
Automated walk-over-weighing system: methods to track daily body mass and growth in grazing steers. American Society of Animal Scientists annual meeting, Oklahoma City, OK. June 2022 - Ira L. Parsons, B.B. Karisch, S.L. Webb, A.E. Stone, C.C. Catrett, J.E. Dentinger, D.A. Norman, and G.M. Street.
GPS tracking collars and accelerometers provide detailed tracking of foraging behavior and space use in grazing steers in Bermudagrass and Tall Fescue pasture.
Journal of Animal Science. Supplement 3. Louisville, KY. July 2021 - Catrett, C.C., I.L. Parsons, J.E. Dentinger, D.A. Norman, S.L. Webb, A.E. Stone, G.M. Street, B. B. Karisch.
Identifying behaviors and the ‘normal’ daily ethogram using accelerometers on grazing animals.
Journal of Animal Science 99. Supplement 3 Louisville, KY. July 2021 - Johnson, J.R., G. E. Carstens, I.L. Parsons, L.O. Tedeschi and J. ?. Deeb.
Characterization of feeding-behavior patterns and application of chemometrics to predict residual feed intake based on feeding-behavior traits in growing Holstein heifers.
Southern Section Animal Science Meeting, Oklahoma City, OK. 25 January 2019. - Parsons, I.L., G.E. Carstens, C.A. Olson, J.R. Johnson, W.C. Kayser, D.S. Hale, R.K. Miller.
Effects of residual feed intake classification on carcass-value traits in finishing cattle.
International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Melbourne, Australia, August 2018. - Parsons, I.L., G.E. Carstens, J.R. Johnson, W.C. Kayser, C.A. Olson.
Application of Partial Least Squares regression to predict feed efficiency based on feeding behavior in beef cattle.
Plains Nutrition Council, San Antonio, TX, April 2018. - Parsons, I.L., C.L. Daigle, G.E. Carstens.
Consistently efficient: the use of feeding behavior to identify efficient beef cattle.
International Symposium of Applied Animal Ethologist, Prince Edward Island, Canada. July, 2018. - Parsons, I.L., G.E. Carstens, W.C. Kayser, J. R. Johnson.
Application of partial least squares regression to predict feed efficiency based on feeding behavior patterns in beef cattle. International Symposium on the Nutrition of Herbivores, Clermont-Ferrand, France. September 2018. Ref. # 0401 - Parsons, I.L., W.C. Kayser, G.E. Carstens.
Application of partial least squares regression to predict feed efficiency based on feeding behavior patterns in beef cattle.
Southern Section Animal Science Meeting, Fort Worth, TX. 6 February 2018. Abstract #25 - Kayser, W.C., G.E. Carstens, I.L. Parsons, K.E. Washburn, S.D. Lawhon and W.E. Pinchak. Evaluation of statistical process control algorithms for preclinical detection of BRD in beef cattle.
Plains Nutrition Council, San Antonio, TX. April 2017. 2nd Place Poster Presentation Award. - Olson, C.A., G.E. Carstens, A.D. Herring, D.S. Hale, I.L. Parsons, J.R. Johnson, W.C. Kayser and R.K. Miller.
Temperament on arrival alters growth efficiency, feeding behavior, and carcass characteristics of feedlot cattle.
Plains Nutrition Council, San Antonio, TX. April 2017. - Kayser, W.C., I.L. Parsons, G.E. Carstens, M.L. Jenks, A.G. Cupples, J.E. Sawyer, K.S. Barling and E. Chevaux.
Effects of Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNCM 1-1077 Supplementation on Feeding Behaviors and Growth Efficiency in Crossbred Beef Steers Fed a High-Grain Diet.
Southern Section Animal Science Meeting, Franklin, TN. 7 February 2017. - Parsons, I.L. J. Johnson, W.C. Kayser, Hafla, A. L.O. Tedeschi, and G.E. Carstens.
Impact of post weaning residual feed intake in heifers on efficiency of forage utilization in pregnant cows.
Dr. Kenneth & Caroline Eng Trust Fund Symposium. Lincoln, NE. 6 October 2016. - Parsons, I. L., and C. K. Jones.
Effects of specialty soybean product inclusion on pelletability and pellet quality in early swine diets.
Kansas State University Gamma Sigma Delta Undergraduate Research Showcase.
Manhattan, KS. 25 April 2014. Top 3 Poster Presentation Award.
Academic and Industry Presentations
- South Dakota Stock Growers Convention.
Animal Husbandry in the 21st Century: Precision Livestock Technology.
October 4th, 2023, The Box convention center, Rapid City, SD - Mississippi State Extension Beef Cattle Field Day.
Shared demonstrations of new technology available for improved beef cattle and grazing management.
April, 2022 - Dean and Directors Advisory Board Meeting
Shared progress on USDA Grazing Ecology Study and utilization of remote sensing and drone mounted technology to measure forage growth and production in grazing systems.
September 20, 2019 - Mississippi Farm Bureau Tour.
Shared findings new developments in livestock grazing management.
Exhibited advances in precision livestock and forage management, weather monitoring and drone flights.
June 20, 2019
- Ira L. Parsons, Jameson Brennan, Hector Menendez, Kristi Cammack, Amanda Blair.
Climate Resilient Beef: Using Precision Data to Measure Performance Traits on Weaning to Finishing Stocker Cattle.
C-Lock Equipment Grant 2023, $300,000 award - Street, Garrett , Brandi Karisch. Observing the unobservable: identifying behaviors and the ‘normal’ daily ethogram using accelerometers and video cameras.
CALS/MAFES 2020 Undergraduate Research Program.
Ira Parsons Graduate Research Assistant developed, wrote and supervised the project.
Professional Memberships
• American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists 2022 – Present
• American Society of Animal Science 2015 – Present
• Ecological Society of America 2020 – Present
• United States Animal Health Student Member 2019 – 2022
• British Ecological Society 2019 – Present
• The Wildlife Society, National and Mississippi Chapters 2018 – Present
• Mississippi Graduate Student Association, executive team (2018 – 22) 2018 – 2022
• Mississippi State Graduate Student Association President 2019 – 2020 2019-20
• Wildlife, Fisheries and Aquaculture Graduate Student Association 2018 - 20
• Mississippi State Chapter of The Wildlife Society 2018 - 20
• The Animal & Dairy Science Graduate Student Association 2018 - 20
• Texas A&M Big Event 2018
• Texas A&M Animal Science Graduate Student Association: Service Committee
• Texas A&M Big Event Community Service Day: Participant, group leader
• Texas A&M Animal Science Department: Public outreach at the Texas Grazing Conference
• Ambassador for the Texas A&M Office of Graduate Studies Blog 2018
• Kansas State University Livestock Judging Team 2014
• Kansas State University Feed Science Club 2013-15
o President 2014-15
• Kansas State University Collegiate Farm Bureau 2013-15
o Vice President of Registrar 2014-15
• Kansas State University Collegiate Cattlemen’s Club 2013-15
• Phi Theta Kappa Member 2011-13
Professional service
• Session Moderator: Mississippi State Graduate Research Symposium 2021 & 22
• Session Co-Chair: Southern Section of the American Society of Animal Science Meetings. 2020
• Moderator Mississippi State 3 Minute Thesis Competition 2019
• Session moderator: Wildlife Damage Conference, Mississippi State, MS 2019
• Christian Faculty and Staff Forum, God’s Not Dead Event: Participated in advertising the event to Mississippi State Students, and organizing event volunteers
• Redeemer church – Sunday school teach 1 – 3rd grade: Sunday school teacher for 6 to 9, 1 – 3rd graders every Sunday.
• Mississippi State University Graduate Student Association: Provide travel grants, scholarships and activities and competitions to strengthen the professional development of graduate students at Mississippi State University.
• Canoe Day Noxubee Wildlife Refuge: Help park staff load, unload and assist a community event to encourage enjoyment of the Wildlife Refuge’s tremendous wildlife population.
• Hurricane Harvey Disaster Relief Team: Join disaster relief teams deployed to Houston to clean up post hurricane Harvey.
• Parkway Baptist Church: Member, actively involved in student ministry, volunteer with the AWANA® program, help with VBS, community missions
• SHIP International: Traveled to El Salvador on a short-term mission trip to work on various construction projects. The ministry primarily focused on educating youth unable to attend school.
Awards & Honors
• 2022 Mississippi State Graduate Research Symposium 2nd Place Oral Presentation March 2022
• 2020 Student Fellow of the International Livestock Forum November 2020
• Graduate Assistantship, Mississippi State University
Department of Wildlife Forestry and Aquaculture August 2018
• Graduate Assistantship, Texas A&M University
Department of Animal Science August 2015
• Grain Science Outstanding Senior in Feed Science 2015
• Southern States Cooperative Feed Manufacturing Scholarship Recipient 2014
• American Feed Industry Association & Equipment Manufacturers Committee Scholarship Recipient 2014
• Max Straube Achievement
Award for Outstanding Junior in Feed Science 2014
• KSU College of Agriculture Undergraduate Research Winner 2014
• Kansas State University Agriculture Scholars in Agriculture 2013-15